The North Staffordshire Medical Institute was established in 1961 as an independent charity to provide funds for medical and surgical research and to facilitate medical education.

Whilst the education and research aspects of our work continue to be funded by the charitable donations, the Wade Conference Centre operates as a registered charity with any surplus monies being used to fund medical research and education in accordance with the terms of the trust. It can be hired at most attractive rates by individuals, groups, organisations or companies, whether medical or otherwise.

  • Funding Medical Education & Research
  • Established over 57 years
  • Independent Charity
North Staffs Medical Institute

Our Charity helps Fund Medical Research in Staffordshire through Research Grant every year


Grants Awarded


Research Projects


Students Supported

The North Staffordshire Medical Institute

was opened in 1965 and was the first purpose built Postgraduate Centre in Britain. It was built at a cost of £100,000, which was raised by public appeal.

An important facility for medical education and research. Postgraduate medical and dental tutors, GP training services

The Medical Institute welcomed the new medical school and felt (as their founders did in 1961) that it was important to encourage keen students to the area. Together with the Wellcome Foundation, it now supports the Inspire scholarship scheme designed to give students an eight-week introduction to research during their summer break. It also awards prizes of £100 each to the best-performing medical students each year, thanks to the Bicentennial Fund set up by Dr Alun Davies in 2000.

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